Wednesday, July 29, 2009

39 Week and an Update

I have been going for Non Stress Testing two times a week to monitor Avery because I've been measuring small for weeks over the past month and a half. With two ultrasounds and two non stress tests, all has seemed ok. Dr. Oliveira stripped my membranes yesterday which didn't feel so great:( She said that she has such tiny hands and that it most likely won't put me into labor, but hopefully dialated me more than the 1 cm that i am at. She did schedule me to be induced this coming Monday, August 3. I am scheduled to see her for an exam appt at 9:15 in the morning and then we will go from there. So looks like Avery will be arriving early next week, unless she decides to make an appearance sooner. We can't wait to see what she looks like and I cannot wait to hold her:) I have been off work for about 3 weeks now so everything is ready. Brandon worked his last overtime shift (thank God) and now we are just trying to relax while we wait. We will keep you updated as to what the Dr decides to do on Monday.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Maternity Photo Shoot

My amazing wedding photographer, Daniela Degrassi photographed me at 36 weeks prego. We went to San Francisco and had a wonderful afternoon together. She is so creative and extremely talented. Here are a few of her favorite pictures:

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Busy Month Of June

June was an extremely fun filled month for us. I had my third baby shower hosted my my sister and best friend Cameron. It was fantastic and I got a chance to visit with all my best friends and family. Katrina, Monte, and Hannah were out here which was the best treat ever. We also had an absolute BLAST at Jessica and Joel's wedding. My cousin looked gorgeous and her wedding was beautiful.
I am slowly healing a fractured pinky toe and battled the stomach flu last Friday. Needless to say, I am 35 weeks and Avery cannot come soon enough. I had a checkup with my OB yesterday and she continues to tell me that it looks like i will be having a small baby:) I am very thankful that our home has AC because the weather has been so hot. I will stop working the 9th of July and am looking forward to some time to relax. Here's a few pics from the busy month of June.