Happy First Birthday to Our Sweet Baby Girl! Seriously though...where the heck did this past year go? It seems like just yesterday I was walking around the Livermore Art Festival with my Mom complaining of pain which ended up being contractions. In the moment I really didn't love being pregnant, but now that Avery is One I totally miss being pregnant. Seeing her for the first time was the coolest experience. Never did I know that I could fall in love so intensely as I did when we met Avery. Being a Mommy is definitely hard work, but the most rewarding job there is. When she smiles at me it makes every problem, worry, or ache instantly go away.
Avery, you are so much fun and I can't wait to watch you grow this next year and turn into a toddler. Keep talking, laughing, and smiling because it sure makes my world worth living!
Happy Happy Birthday! Love you to Pieces!
I love Avery and I'm so glad she was brought into this world. She puts smiles on so many peoples faces. Including mine!