We just returned from a fabulous trip visiting cousin Hannah, Auntie Trina, and Uncle Monte. The first few nights we had girl time while Daddy and Uncle Monte cruised to Philly for a mancation. They competed in a sports leisure event where their team participated in hot dog eating contests, darts, beer drinking, etc...Daddy said it was so fun because he drank beer and ate food all day. Their team took 5th place:)
I am so lucky because my Uncle Monte gave us a private tour of the west wing of the White House. I slept through the first half of the tour and woke up just in time for pictures. Daddy got to go back the next day and see the NY Yankees along with President Obama. I'm starting to wonder who this vacation was for...
The rest of our trip we played a lot outside with Hannah and we we went to the numerous parks that Falls Church had to offer. Hannah loves being outside playing and it was so fun to watch her. We came home after 8 days and we were so sad to say goodbye. Counting down the months until July when they come visit us.
As for my big milestones...well i still have no teeth, I am trying to crawl, and I love to talk. Life is Good!
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