Wow! We are so overdue with updating our blog. Avery is 2 months old and just went for her immunizations and check up yesterday which was not fun. She weighs 9lbs 13oz and is constantly changing. She is no longer a newborn, but an infant now.We have transitioned her into her crib and she's sleeping 6 hours at night. She smiles constantly which is so rewarding.
We celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversery in Lake Tahoe with Avery and for the most part she was pretty good. I am back to running and Avery seems to love the jogging stroller which is nice for me. Brandon has been back to work for about a month now which makes for a very happy Otto but a sad mommy and baby! I am flying solo with Avery next week to Southern California. We will stay a week with the Blanks and even get to visit Papa Greg's family. They just can't wait to meet Avery. I go back to work in November which I am actually happy about. I get to work 2 days a week and Avery will be able to spend those days with her Nonni, Grammy, and Papa.
Papa Greg had an emergency brain surgery over the weekend and he gets discharged from Stanford hospital hopefully today! He keeps asking for his grandbaby and I can't wait for him to hold her. It will make him so happy. If he's not able to go back to work, he will be able to play with Avery a lot. Can't wait to see how handy our little girl is going to turn out. She'll know how to build a home, work on cars, and use every tool possible! That's all for now.