I finally was able to sneak away from feeding, changing, or snuggling with Avery to post a blog. One week ago today Avery was born and besides our wedding day, the happiest day of my life. I went into early labor on Friday night. Brandon came home from work at 2AM and i was up all night charting my contractions. I thought I needed to go to the hospital, but Brandon kept saying that my contractions weren't putting me in the pain like the women in the childbirth videos we watched... The next morning, after hitting the grocery store to stock our fridge like we would never be able to get to the market again, my mom came over and we went to the Livermore Art Festival. I was continuing to have contractions and they were becoming more painful. We decided to go to the hospital so that i could at least be checked. I was dialated on 1 1/2 cm but they decided to keep me. After receiving the epidural i could rest and within an hour and half, I dialated from 4 1/2cm to 10 and was ready to have Avery. With very little pushing and zero pain, she was out in 45 minutes:) She was born 7 lbs even and 19.5 inches in length! Her weight surprised us all since the doctor had continually told me that i was carrying such a small baby. To us, she's PERFECT! We went home a day later and have been enjoying every second, day or night with her. We've had visitors pop their heads in and it has been nice to have social time with our friends and family. So thank you to all that have made the haul to San Ramon to see us. We will continue to keep you updated. I didn't realize that i would be so busy:)
Brandon, Nicole, and Avery